Wednesday 21 December 2011

Black bunny

I wasn't going to post this picture until I found out whether it will be featured in a competition I entered but what the hell I suppose it doesn't really matter if a few people see him on my blog. So this is "black bunny" the newest in my bunny and cloud series. I don't know why I started painting bunny's, I think I like there minimalistic jellybean shape and cute noses. I'm really pleased with how this painting turned out, I think it looks very well composed somehow.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Sarah Pratt

Today Id like to share with you the wonderful work of north Queensland artist Sarah Pratt.
Sarah does sculpture drawing and a bit of painting. It is very hard to describe her work, it is sometimes abstract sometimes figurative, sometimes clean sometimes rough and dirty, always incredibly detailed and unique.
She usually works in black and white or with minimal colour and i find there is an element of darkness and tension that is present in all her work even when the work is playful and beautiful. Best just let you see for yourself.

saturday update

I finished my black bunny painting but I cant show it off yet because I've entered it into a competition and it will hopefully debut there.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

tropical ups and downs

look at our lovely healthy peace lilly.
 at least the plants like this shity humid weather we are enduring..

Tuesday 15 November 2011

bunny preview

After playing with with one of my older bunny pictures "on a plain" I was inspired to do another bunny painting. That makes five I think. Hears a little work in progress pic of part of it. I don't quite know why I like to combine Bunny's together with clouds.

fluro "on a plain"

was playing with altering colour on photoshop again. Hears a fluro version of "on a plain".

Saturday 5 November 2011

tree studies

Hello been real busy. I've gone back to uni part time to do library studies, did I mention I love books. Its a tad boring at times I must admit. That and working the day job at the cafe has left little time for anything else, but studies are over for the year (hoorah) and its time to get ready for some shows. These are just a couple of pics of some tree effects Ive been trying out. I dont think you can ever know too many ways of painting trees.

Sunday 23 October 2011

Super lovely

wish I could have gone to this show and see the works in person. Amy Sol, Audrey Kawasaki, Stella im Hultburg and Mari Inukai. Each of the ladys contributed some wonderful delicate work. Stella and Audrey in particulat seemd to have a focus on patern and matterial evoking a folky, crafty feel. Amy Sol is continuing to evolve her dreamy fairytale world, and what can I say, love love love. This show is well worth a hop over to thinkspace for a look.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Dirtfish and Matthew Dunn at Artboy gallery

Well I'm home from my trip to Melbourne and rural NSW. I had a great time visiting friends and family and checking out heaps of gallery's, doing some shopping for supplies, going to the beach and eating lots of delish veg food.
One of the many gallery's I visited in Melbourne was a" Artboy gallery". It is a relatively new gallery in Prahran.  Artboy gallery is big and bright and a little bit to commercial but it has some great art. I actually went there to see two artists in particular "Dirt fish" and "Matthew Dunn", and I like them even more now that I have seen there work in person. It is well worth visiting the gallery just to see these artist alone.

 Dirt Fish
Matthew Dunn

Saturday 17 September 2011

back in Melb.

Whooohoo am in Melbourne for 4days, pretty much my favorite city in the world.  Went out to some old hang outs tonight, E55 and the Pony pretty sure they wear playing the same vid on there telly as 6 years ago (Mad max) so good to be back in places were everyones hair is messy, girls were jeans not heels and it doesn't matter weather you smile at the cute boys or funky girls. Had  dinner at an all veg joint for $6.50 Saw 4 bands, had 3 crappy but nice conversations with strangers and finished the night with a slice of pizza from peperoni's just for the sake of tradition. What I love most about Melbourne is that there is room for everyone no matter who you are.
Tomorrow I am going to make myself sick with art gallery overload, cant wait. Good night all. Love.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Working so painterly lately. I feel the urge to get back to flat graphic colours and shapes. revisit old ideas. Restricted pallet, curved horizons, Rapunzel hair, Edward Gorey, Aubrey Beardsly, a clockwork orange.
Its funny how long certain imagery can stay with you and grow inside your mind, how ideas often flow in circles

Wednesday 7 September 2011


I was playing with the colour and hue settings on photoshop and came up with these two versions of my original "Lush green". To be honest I just stumbled across these affects but I really like the results. I'm in love with how the colours glow and their otherworldliness.
To me the top one is very alien / other planet and the bottom one is very luminescent night time enchanted forest ish. This is definitely inspiration to be more experimental with colours.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

kitty again.

Ok here is the finished kitty painting. I probably spent way to much time on this for  such a little painting, but I dont like to leave things if I am not happy with them. This went through a few different stages and colour adjustments. Bellow is the finished work followed by the original idea.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Yumiko Kayukawa

Todays artist is Yumiko Kayukawa. I have a thing for Asian pop art and Yumiko is one of my favs. Her characters are full of life, personality and heart. Another thing I like is that her lady's are not all sexual and pouting or innocent and vulnerable just strong characters going about there business. I chose the top picture because we have just seen Audrey Kawasakis take on the mythical Japanis spirit fox so I thought we have a look at Yumiko Kayukawas take as well. The spirit fox is a lovely creature, very Lucky.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

New show by Audrey Kawasaki

The incredibly talented and very popular Audrey Kawasaki has just opened her new show "Restlessly still".
Like the name suggests the new works are quiet yet with an element of tension. I always enjoy the lightness of of Audrys works, shapes merge and fade and figures are clear yet transparent and ethereal.
I especially like the otherworldly ambiance of the pictures below, it is a feeling I have often sort to create in my own work.
To see all of Audreys new work go tho her art blog

Saturday 30 July 2011

amazing work by Moki

This is another amazing work by one of my favorite artists moki. I love cats and totaly belive in their ability to walk between worlds, so this picture is just perfect to me.

And another one by Moki, again I'm pretty sure this is real. There are a lot of waterholes next to whitch you just shouldent set up you tent.

Friday 22 July 2011


finished this little picture of a kitty today. If it looks famillia it is an older picture that I've changed, I still think I might change it some more.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Melissa Haslam

Australian artist Melissa Haslam just opened her new show "Kigurumi" at Lebasse projects in LA. A continuation of the clean crisp portraits we saw in "Botanica" but with a quirky cute new subject
Check out hew new work at
"Wolf" by Melissa Haslam.