Wednesday 23 November 2011

tropical ups and downs

look at our lovely healthy peace lilly.
 at least the plants like this shity humid weather we are enduring..

Tuesday 15 November 2011

bunny preview

After playing with with one of my older bunny pictures "on a plain" I was inspired to do another bunny painting. That makes five I think. Hears a little work in progress pic of part of it. I don't quite know why I like to combine Bunny's together with clouds.

fluro "on a plain"

was playing with altering colour on photoshop again. Hears a fluro version of "on a plain".

Saturday 5 November 2011

tree studies

Hello been real busy. I've gone back to uni part time to do library studies, did I mention I love books. Its a tad boring at times I must admit. That and working the day job at the cafe has left little time for anything else, but studies are over for the year (hoorah) and its time to get ready for some shows. These are just a couple of pics of some tree effects Ive been trying out. I dont think you can ever know too many ways of painting trees.