Wednesday 21 December 2011

Black bunny

I wasn't going to post this picture until I found out whether it will be featured in a competition I entered but what the hell I suppose it doesn't really matter if a few people see him on my blog. So this is "black bunny" the newest in my bunny and cloud series. I don't know why I started painting bunny's, I think I like there minimalistic jellybean shape and cute noses. I'm really pleased with how this painting turned out, I think it looks very well composed somehow.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Sarah Pratt

Today Id like to share with you the wonderful work of north Queensland artist Sarah Pratt.
Sarah does sculpture drawing and a bit of painting. It is very hard to describe her work, it is sometimes abstract sometimes figurative, sometimes clean sometimes rough and dirty, always incredibly detailed and unique.
She usually works in black and white or with minimal colour and i find there is an element of darkness and tension that is present in all her work even when the work is playful and beautiful. Best just let you see for yourself.

saturday update

I finished my black bunny painting but I cant show it off yet because I've entered it into a competition and it will hopefully debut there.