Monday 23 January 2012


Ive been working on my new etsy store, it should be open next week end. very very exiting. As well as my original paintings and giftcard sets I am going to list my first ever ACEOs. There they are all ready to be created, some are canvas and some are watercolour paper. This should be lots of fun, and its raining too, so nice.
And here is the first one done already. I drew this in pencil then went over it in a very fine pen, rubbed out the pencil and coloured it with watercolour. I find water colour so quick and rewarding to use. The only negative is that you cant cover mistakes easily because its so transparent.
Oh I wish I had tomorrow of as well so I could do more arty stuff.

Thursday 5 January 2012

I often spend my nights searching the Internet for pictures I like and save them to look at over and over.
Today I thought I'd share some of the treasures from my inspiration folder. Ive also been watching a lot of Scandinavian electro art project "iamamiwhoami" videos on you tube and that has reintensified my ongoing love of creepy forest magick imagery. So enjoy these wonderful pictures, sorry artists unknown.