Saturday 29 September 2012


Many years ago in Melbourne I saw a stencil in a car park of a child in black and white vomiting drops/ blobs of colour. I remember that the contrast of the bright colours and the black and white really caught my attention and staid in my mind. So years later I credit that stencil with the inspiration of this painting.
Thank you unknown stenciler.
This painting actually has a lot of meaning and emotion for me, it was bourn out of the frustration of the Darwin build up (horrible hot humid time of the year).
 I find it quite a sexual painting, it represents desire and energy for life and love and everything seating within, frustrated by the deadening heat and isolation that is Darwin at this time of the year. It is about frustration but it is also about strength, of breaking free and being yourself. I started this in the build up last year and fittingly finished it in the build up this year.
 I'm rather pleased with it, I love her steady defiant expression.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

A nice walk in the country

The other day I got out my "how to watercolour landscape" book and just copied one of the pictures in it with a few changes of my own. I had so much fun, not bothering with content just coping the picture and trying out the recommended techniques. So this nothing like my style but it really was so much fun to paint. Very bright and pretty, maybe I'll send it to my grandma. 

Thursday 13 September 2012

more watercolour

My watercolour explorations continue. This is a detail of a forest study I've been working on. I like how this part of it turned out but am not so happy with the picture as a whole. I painted this on canvas paper, which the watercolours swam on a bit and made more solid colours hard. The tree is drawn with ink and a quill. This is the first time I used a quill and I love it. I really like the accuracy and control of using the quill and it also makes lovely wispy effects as it runs out. Oh and it makes little scratching sounds on the paper which further adds to the basic and old fashioned feel of it. I'm won over.

Thursday 6 September 2012

broken arm time to draw.