Tuesday 20 November 2012

Wonderful old illustrations

Another post were I share some of my large collection of inspirational images I search out tirelessly on the web and else were. Tonight I'd like to share some of my favourite old time illustrators, from around the early 1900s to be more precise . This was a wonderful time for illustration with lots of very talented and creative artists.
The first work is by Kay Nielson from the book " In powder and crinoline"
I love the darkness of this picture and the ethereal flowing shapes. To me this is a perfect picture of dusk.

Next are two quite different works by "Virginia Frances Sterrett". The trees and colouring in the first picture are so creative and unusual. The second picture is an example of her fantastic black and white work, witch is the stile I love the most from her. So simple and poetic, just wonderful.

 And of course the ever brilliant Arthur Rackham. This man was just so talented. No one captures north European myth and fairy tales better than he did. The foreboding atmosphere, the brooding skis, the dark twisted trees and all that wonderful delicate detail. I love almost everything he ever did, his art takes me away to those quiet dark forests of my dreaming.