Wednesday 30 January 2013


This small painting tittled "clump" is for a little side project I'm doing. Its done with watercolour, pen and coloured pencil.
I'm really loving the watercolours lately even though they can be quite uncooperative at times, I'm enjoying the random textures.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Hercynia silva

You might be aware that Iam absolutely in love with forests especially cool climate forests with lots of pines. Recently I discovered the name of the mighty forest that once covered most of Germany and stretched all the way to the Carpathian mountains in the Ukraine. "Hercynia" and the old roman word for forest "silva". "Hercynia silva" doesn't that sound wonderful.
so last night I was searching for more info on the forest and came across this short film made by artists "Anna Abraham" and Jan Frederik Groot". This video is so close to perfect. To me it has the same feeling as my favourite black metal songs a kind of nostalgic longing mixed with dread. I cant explain it but I'm always chasing it.
hears the link.
"In the northern region is the vast expanse of the Hercynian forest, untouched by the ages and coeval with the world, which surpasses all marvels by its almost immortal destiny." (Pliny, ‘Natural History’ 23-79 AD)