Tuesday 18 November 2014


Hello .
I have been unable to upload any pictures to this blog for some time now. It is very frustrating and so far I cant find an answer. If you are interested in what I have been up to please head over to my facebook  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sugita-Wahl-Art/135355266475048. It is not as visually pleasing but at least it works. I am not giving up on this blog yet but I am starting to worry that I might have to.

Monday 7 July 2014

Dragonfly craft fair.

Yesterday I had a stall at the Dragonfly craft fair with my friend. It was a lot of fun even though I don't think it was quite my sort of audience. May do the next one none the less..
                                         I am very pleased with the tops I made for the fair, kind of want to     
keep them all for myself.

                                           One of my favourite tops.

                      All my glasses in my studio the day before. I've got more ideas I want to try  with           these so I think I'll focus on glasses at the next fair and keep the cloth for the rave shop.

Thursday 30 January 2014

trees and a wee birdy

Just playing around today and indulging in some paint splattering and dribbling. fun.