Thursday 31 March 2016

Some of my favorite artists.

I thought I'd  write a post about some of my favorite artists. There are many many artworks that have inspired and amazed me over the years paintings, photographs, sculptures, fashion even architecture has touched me at times. Sometimes I like only a few of the many works an artist creates and sometimes I like their overall vision rather than any one particular piece. Here I'm going to focus on painters that I not only love but that have inspired my work over and over again. I have pictures by these artists on my studio walls and always return to them for artistic nourishment

camille rose garcia
I love her layers of colour and contrast and her sad apocalyptic fairy tales.
I found her work in a book in Melbourne and was instantly in love.

 takashi murakami
And the super flat movement. I love flat shapes and their contrast with textures. Takashi uses a lot of pop culture and is sometimes quite crass but he paints so well and his composition is so good he is just really clever and amazing. 

Amy Sol
Amys pictures are like walking through a cozy dream wear animals are all friends, size and gravity dont matter and everything is bathed in a soft etherial light. 

Edward Gorey 
Humorous and darkly poetic. Edward draws simple black and white illustrations to text that are beautiful funny and touching. I had the entire alphabet of  the "gashlycrumb tinies" on my wall through out University.

Arthur rackham
A brilliant illustrator his people are alive somehow physical, his composition is unusual but always perfect, the mood is always a touch melancholic or threatening and his trees are just wow. 

Moki paints nature merging with humans and real ghosts and spirits in my opinion. The work is often European and Asian at the same time.
She is a brilliantly talented realist painter and also creates cartoons.

Strange but vulnerable and beautiful, Herakut is an artistic duo that creates arresting street art featuring children with expressive sad eyes and animals accompanied by poignant text.

I can see I'm going to have to do a part two, well it was always going to be dangerous.  Maybe I should have divided it into contemporary and older art. I noticed I didn't exactly stick to painters either. oh well.