Monday 17 April 2017

On the road again

We have been on the road looking at bush blocks again. We covered 6000 km in 3 weeks and travelled from cost to the tablelands and back again all the way between Brisbane to Melbourne. We saw some very diverse landscape and I think narrowed down where we might want to move to somewhat.

It’s always a bit hard to adjust from doing so much and seeing so many thing in one day to being back at home with nowhere to go except the grocery store (slight exaggeration) but it was good not having to pack up and  check out in the morning.
The best thing about coming home after a trip away is always getting back to the studio. That and seeing my kitty again.

New design for screen printing. I find it hard to get my head around colouring in black what I want to print white. Lots of concentration needed.New design for screen printing. I find it hard to get my head around colouring in black what I want to print white. Lots of concentration needed.