Friday 8 December 2017

Screen printing and sutch

Hello again,
Well the year has gone by in a chaos of house renovations, work and family upheaval. On the art front it was one of the least productive years I've had in ages and while I always feel frustrated when I cant work on my art projects and feel that my arts career is slipping away from me I have to remind myself of all the things we achieved this year. We got so many other things done that we have been putting off for ages. We renovated most of our house and did lots of it ourselves. And other big things have been happening too.

With that said I am soooooooooooo happy to be able to get stuck back into some studio work and finish projects started long ago. Currently I only have half my studio back, the other side is still full of boxes of stuff . I've eased back into it by experimenting with some new screen-printing designs and some found object jewellery. More to come soon.

The print on a hand bleached T-shirt

                                  The original drawing